Kamay Botany Bay Environmental Education Centre

We acknowledge and are grateful to work, learn and educate on Dharawal land.

Telephone02 9668 9889 / 0477 742 284


Video conferences

Captain Cook and the Secret Instructions

One hour video conference to learn about the voyage undertaken by Captain Cook in 1770. Students can dress up and take on a role, follow the secret instructions and complete a botanical drawing.

All bookings can be made through Dart connectionsFor further information download the Captain Cook video conference flyer (PDF 490.4KB)

Nature art

Stage 1

Through a shared reading of the text, the Bushwalk students will explore and observe aspects of nature as described and depicted by the author and illustrator. In preparation for the video conference students will be asked to observe and collect some natural and man-made specimens from the school grounds.

They will work with an artist, Ken Tucker who will demonstrate a number of artistic techniques. The students will create their own works of art and share these with students from other schools at the conclusion of the session.  

All bookings made through Dart connections. Download the Stage 1 video conference flyer (PDF 850.1KB) for more information.

Stages 2 and 3

Through a shared reading of the text, Tanglewood students will explore and observe aspects of nature as described and depicted by the author and illustrator. In preparation for the video conference students will be asked to observe and collect some natural and man-made specimens from the school grounds.

They will work with an artist, Ken Tucker who will demonstrate a number of artistic techniques. The students will create their own works of art and share these with students from other schools at the conclusion of the session.

All bookings made through Dart connections. Download the Stages 2 and 3 video conference flyer (PDF 756.5KB) for more information.

Amazing ants

Stage 1

During this interactive video conference students will explore the amazing world of ants that live in their school grounds. Students will conduct a scientific investigation in the grounds of their school prior to the session. Data and collected samples of ants will be packaged and sent to a scientist at a university for identification.

Students will learn about the importance of ants, their features and habitats and how to safely collect them. During the session students will create a scientific drawing of an ant and participate in a quiz with students from other schools.

Stage 2 and 3

During this interactive video conference students will explore the amazing world of ants that live in their school grounds. Students will conduct a scientific investigation in the grounds of their school prior to the video conference. Data and collected samples of ants will be packaged and sent to a scientist at a university for identification.

Students will learn about the importance of ants, their features and habitats and how to safely collect them.

All bookings can be made through Dart connections.

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