Kamay Botany Bay Environmental Education Centre

We acknowledge and are grateful to work, learn and educate on Dharawal land.

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Stage 4 - Geography - Place and Liveability

Stage 4 Geography


Wanda to Greenhills Beach, Cronulla


Students will examine where people live and the features of places around the local area of Cronulla beaches. They will explore factors influencing people's decisions about where to live.


  • GELS-1 recognises features and characteristics of place and environments 
  • GELS-4 recognises perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues 
  • GELS-6 investigates differences in human wellbeing
  • GELS-7 collects and uses geographical information for inquiry 

Key Inquiry questions

  • Why do people's perceptions of the liveability of places vary?
  • What effect does environmental quality and access to services have on people's wellbeing?
  • How can strong community identity and social connectedness enhance the liveability of places?
  • What approaches can be used to improve the liveability of places?

Students will

  • Locate and describe diverse features and characteristics of a range of places and environments.
  • Examine perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues.
  • Acquire and process geographical information by selecting and using geographical tools for enquiry.
  • Communicate geographical information using a range of strategies.

Learning across the curriculum content

  •  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
  •   Sustainability
  • Literacy
  • Numeracy