Kamay Botany Bay Environmental Education Centre

We acknowledge and are grateful to work, learn and educate on Dharawal land.

Telephone02 9668 9889 / 0477 742 284


S1-3 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultural day



Kamay Botany Bay EEC, Kamay Botany Bay National Park, Kurnell


Kamay Botany Bay National Park in Kurnell is the location of the first contact between the Gweagal people and James Cook. During an immersive bushwalk students will learn about aspects of Gweagal life and culture at this site and identify some of the indigenous artefacts used.  Students will explore the beach and rock platform and the sculptures that were designed by local artists to reflect the natural and cultural values of this space.

Students will learn about the importance of Country to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the impact of the arrival of James Cook and the crew of The Endeavour in 1770.


  •  HT1-2 Identifies and describes significant people, events, places and sites in the local community over time
  • HT2-2 Describes and explains how significant individuals, groups and events contributed to changes in the local community overtime
  • HT3-5 Applies a variety of skills of historical inquiry and communication

Key Inquiry questions

  •  What remains of the past are important to the local community? Why?
  • Who lived here first and how do we know?
  • What was life like for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples before the arrival of the Europeans?

Student will

  • Take a bushwalk through the Banks/Solander Track to include a deeper understanding of the significant plant resources used by the local Gweagal people.
  • Explore Gweagal artefacts and local bird/animal specimens.
  • Explore the rock platform food resources.
  • Explore the sculptures including whale dreaming story.


Learning across the curriculum content

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
  •  Sustainability
  • Critical and creative thinking
  •  Ethical understanding
  • Difference and diversity 


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures excursion outline