Kamay Botany Bay Environmental Education Centre

We acknowledge and are grateful to work, learn and educate on Dharawal land.

Telephone02 9668 9889 / 0477 742 284


Covid Safety information and risk assessments

Kamay Botany Bay Environmental Education Centre (KBBEEC) is permitted to run excursions in line with requirements set out by NSW Health and NSW Department of Education. We appreciate everyone’s support as we implement new measures to maintain the health and safety of all students and staff.

Kamay BBEEC is offering virtual lessons in addition to face to face programs.

If you are in doubt, please contact the EEC on 9668 9889

Risk Assessment

After you book an excursion, we will email you a draft risk assessment including infection control measures. Use the information to assist you in preparing your own risk assessment. Kamay EEC follows all Covid guidelines from NSW Department of Education.

Roles and responsibilities of visiting teachers

Prior to arriving for excursion

  • Stay at home when unwell. Staff and students must not attend the excursion if they are unwell, even if they have mild symptoms.

  • Non-essential adults are not permitted at school events. Parents and carers are not permitted on excursions.

  • Carry emergency contact information for all students. If a student falls ill on an excursion, you will need to contact a parent or carer or emergency contact.

  • Practice good hygiene. Remind all students and staff of good hygiene, e.g. regular washing or sanitising of hands, and avoiding sharing food and personal items.

  • Maintain respiratory hygiene. Remind all students and staff of respiratory hygiene practices, e.g. coughing or sneezing into your elbow.

  • Bring a reusable water bottle. All students and visiting staff should bring a reusable water bottle, and refill bottles rather than drinking directly from bubblers.

  • Bring personal equipment. Students should bring and use their own pencil or pen and clipboard (clipboards are only required if you have received student worksheets).

On excursion

  • Students do not need to follow strict adult physical distancing guidelines. However, it is important that good hygiene practices are promoted and practiced.

  • Maintain physical distance. All adults (including teachers and support staff) must maintain 1.5m physical distancing from each other and minimise close contact with students.

  • Manage ill students or staff. If a student falls ill while on excursion, they will need to be physically distanced. A teacher from the visiting school will need to organise collection of the student by a parent or carer or emergency contact. If a staff member (visiting or EEC) falls ill, they will need to physically distance and arrange to leave the excursion.

  • Implement hand hygiene practices. Remind students to wash or sanitise their hands before and after eating and after going to the toilet. Encourage hand hygiene practices at regular intervals as required.


The well-being and safety of visiting students and teachers and our staff is extremely important to us. To ensure the safest possible environment, we have implemented the measures below:

  • All EEC staff are following NSW Department of Education infection control procedures.

  • Each group will have access to hand sanitiser and antibacterial wipes all day.

  • Where possible, enough equipment will be provided to avoid sharing. Where equipment must be shared, it will be wiped down with a suitable cleaning wipe before use by the next group.

  • At the conclusion of an excursion all equipment will be cleaned using detergent and water or suitable cleaning wipes.