Kamay Botany Bay Environmental Education Centre

We acknowledge and are grateful to work, learn and educate on Dharawal land.

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Stage 2 - Geography - Places are Similar and Different

Stage 2 geography


Kamay Botany Bay EEC

Kamay Botany Bay National Park, Kurnell


Immerse your students in the rich biodiversity of the Kamay Botany Bay bushland and beach habitats. Using the geographical inquiry process students will observe first-hand the unique features of the dry eucalypt forest and sandy beaches on the Kurnell Peninsular. Students will use a variety of fieldwork tools and record the natural and human features, observations and investigations discovered during the bushwalk in their field journals. Using a map of the Park they will identify features and add labels to the map. They will be given time to reflect on the day’s investigations and discuss why the National Park should be protected. 


  • GE2-1 examines the features and characteristics of places and environment
  • GE2-2 describes examples of the ways people, places and environments interact 
  • GE2-3 examines differing perceptions about the management of places and environments 
  • GE2-4 acquires and communicates geographical information using geographical tools 

Key Inquiry Questions

  •  How does the environment support the lives of people and other living things?
  •  How do different views about the environment influence approaches to sustainability?

Student will

  • Walk the Banks/Solander bush track whilst completing a number of observations/investigations in their field work booklet.
  • Explore the shoreline and rock platforms.
  • Complete a field journal, including mapping and field sketching.
  • Consider how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people used this land.

Learning across the curriculum content

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
  • Sustainability
  • Literacy
  • Numeracy


View Places are Similar and Different excursion outline